1300 667 664

8:30am to 5:00pm (Mon-Fri)

Mouse Traps

Mouse traps are a very traditional and popular method of mouse control. Mouse traps vary in shape and size as well as their method of capture. They range from the traditional wooden snap traps, to humane live single catch traps and multiple live catch traps. Mouse traps can be used in conjunction with other forms of mouse control such as baiting and need to be checked regularly for caught mice.

Pest-Stop Electronic Mouse Killer


Heavy Duty Baited Mouse Traps


Commercial Multi Catch Mice Trap


Duke Humane Mouse Trap


Pest-Stop Easy-Set Mouse Trap Box


Crown Multi Catch Trap


Pest-Stop Automatic Metal Mouse Trap


Protecta Evo Tunnel


Single Catch Mouse Trap - Plastic


Humane Multi Catch Mouse Trap – Large


Humane Multi Catch Mouse Trap – Small
